Bratwurst in Beer with Grilled Onions – It’s Kick Off Time

Football season is in full swing. From pre-season games to the Super Bowl, Hubby is one die-hard fan. He has gotten better over the years, recording a game if the schedule conflicts with family time. Because Kiddo and I love Hubby, we do our best not to let that happen. We know if roles were reversed, he’d do the same. However; our extended family hasn’t a clue who is playing when, so family gatherings and the Packers schedule sometimes clashes.

brats-1miller beerIn our house, there is only one steadfast rule if the Green Bay Packers are taking the field – there will be sausage from the Midwest on the menu, usually in the form of BRATWURST. The Bratwurst MUST be Johnsonville (the Official bratwurst of the Green Bay Packers) and the beer MUST be Miller. It’s a Wisconsin thing.

Now I know that grilling should be a summertime activity – unless you hail from Wisconsin. Then grilling bratwurst on Sunday is the law. Those crazy Green Bay Packer fans are out there in the snow, with a big wedge of cheese on their heads, grilling up the official food for die-hard fans.


No matter the weather, a perfectly grilled Johnsonville Bratwurst in a bun, smothered in onions is always delicious!

Green Bay hosts Chicago. I’ve got my brats ready. Do you?

Bratwurst in Beer with Grilled Onions
1 Package Johnsonville Bratwurst
1 Onion, sliced
Beer – enough to cover Bratwurst (20 oz can of Miller is enough for 1 package of 5 bratwurst)
1 Package Steak or Bratwurst Rolls

Pierce Bratwurst to allow fat to drain out and beer to soak into meat. (A thin fork, cocktail pick or cake-tester works fine – remember, you want the fat to seep out, the beer to soak in and the bratwurst to retain its flavorful juiciness).

Place Bratwurst in a large pot. Cover with beer and let Bratwurst soak in beer for about 45 minutes.

While bratwurst are soaking, thinly slice onions. If desired, place a few sliced onions into the pot with the bratwurst, reserving the majority of the onion for “grilling” in a pan.

Saute onions with a little butter over medium-low heat until golden, about 20-30 minutes.

Heat a gas grill for about 10 minutes or so to get it good and hot. Turn heat on under pot of soaking bratwurst to low and let simmer while grill heats.

Remove bratwurst from liquid. Grill to sear outside, turning as needed, about 5 to 6 minutes per side.

Spread mustard or favorite condiment onto bun. Top with bratwurst and onion.

These are great with French Fries or a Warm German Potato Salad

Author: Rosemarie's Kitchen

I'm a wife, mother, grandmother and avid home cook.I believe in eating healthy whenever possible, while still managing to indulge in life's pleasures.

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